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14 sep, 2018 · In News
Bioservo Technologies awarded Euro 2.3 million grant from EU
Project start: April 1st 2018
Project update: November 2020
Work performed from the beginning of the project to the end of the second period:
The requirements and specifications of the two different systems (Carbonhand and Ironhand®) were completed within the second reporting period (WP1). Further development of software and hardware was done with focus on usability, comfort, product cost, performance and producibility (WP2, WP3). Improvements have been made regarding the cloud-based data collection system. Collaborations with academia has been formed with the purpose of validating the data collection methods (WP3). The clinical trial is ongoing and show positive preliminary results. A highlight is that improvements in grip strength has been made by 3 kg after 6 weeks of home-use of the rehab glove (Carbonhand). One out of two user-trials with the assist/prevent glove (Ironhand®) has been performed (WP4). Several dissemination activities have been performed. Awareness Competition was an appreciated event and successful dissemination activity at ErgoX in Seattle (WP5). The Risk Management File show that our products are safe to use. Collaboration has been formed with Note, an external manufacturing partner to enable production scale-up (WP6).
This project goes beyond the state-of-the-art devices by using an intention detection logic that activates the support if the user initiates the movement by a natural and intuitive movement intention. The devices have actuators that can respond immediately and in a natural way in order to facilitate the intended movement. Specific algorithms have been improved so that the force provided by the actuators doesn’t replace the natural force by the user but complementing it. Optimization of mechatronics has been made which involves reducing the size, weight and number of components of the system. This contributes to lower production costs for the company and improves the usability of the system. Since the first release of Ironhand® significant improvements have been made in regard of its size and weight. The weight of the system has been reduced by 0,7 kg and the powerpack is 4,8 cm shorter. These improvements have been made within the second reporting period.
The socio-economic impact of the usage of this technology can be significant. With the possibility for patients for rehabilitation in a shorter amount of time, in their home environment, the number of resources needed for these patients will be reduced. This provides a possibility to allocate resources within the healthcare system in another way. Companies actively preventing musculoskeletal disorders will decrease the number of sickness absence for employees. These companies will not have a loss of productivity, revenue or profitability.
The further development of these products relates to 2 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the UN, number 10. Reduce Inequalities and number 5. Gender Equality. The usage of the Ironhand product will help bridge the gap of the individual’s physical capacity. The development of these products will result in a more equal workplace and society.